Un ponte tra ricerca e mercato grazie all'innovazione sanitaria

🗞️The DARE Foundation – Digital Lifelong Prevention project is now on La Repubblica Bologna!
The news concerns the entrepreneurship education program developed by G-Factor, the accelerator of Fondazione Golinelli, and presented by the BI-REX Competence Center.
The first phase was a traveling roadshow that, in 2024, reached four strategic hubs of innovation and research in Italy (Bologna, Bari, Palermo, and Rome), engaging over 100 researchers from 12 institutions.
📅Tomorrow, January 30, the second phase will begin: ReActorPro, an entrepreneurial training program that will guide researchers in transforming ideas into business projects.
➡️The program will conclude in 2026 with the third phase of intensive acceleration, through the G-Force program.
The article includes testimonies from Lorenzo Chiari (Professor of Bioengineering at Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna and President of the DARE Foundation) and Massimo Pulvirenti (Head of Consulting and Training Services at BI-REX Competence Center).
dare la repubblica news


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Questa ricerca è stata cofinanziata dal Piano Nazionale Complementare PNC-I.1 “Iniziativa di ricerca per le tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale”, D.D. 931 del 06/06/2022, iniziativa “DARE – Digital lifelong prevention”, codice PNC0000002

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