Fondazione DARE

Welcome to the DARE Project, an initiative that aims to leverage data to enhance health promotion and prevention throughout the lifespan.
Funded by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR)DARE aims to use
digital technologies to create a data-driven healthcare ecosystem.

The Goals of the Project

The DARE project, funded by MUR as part of the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the NRPP, strives to unlock the potential of data for enhancing health promotion and prevention with a lifelong perspective. 

DARE focuses on improving health trajectories by leveraging data.  

The Hub-Spoke Structure

The DARE project uses a hub-and-spoke organizational model a central hub and three interconnected spokes. Spoke 1 focuses on enabling factors and technologies for digital prevention, Spoke 2 on community-based primary prevention and Spoke 3 on digitally-enabled secondary and tertiary prevention.

Spoke 1 provides technological and infrastructural support to the other spokes. Spoke 2 develops a surveillance system to prevent diseases at the community level. Spoke 3 implements digital solutions for secondary and tertiary prevention, using artificial intelligence and digital biomarkers to monitor and manage health.


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This research was co-funded by the Italian Complementary National Plan PNC-I.1 "Research initiatives for innovative technologies and pathways in the health and welfare sector” D.D. 931 of 06/06/2022, "DARE - DigitAl lifelong pRevEntion" initiative, code PNC0000002
