Fondazione DARE


The lack of skilled professionals equipped to aid in the digital transition of the healthcare industry and the healthcare systems presents a significant challenge, yet it also offers a valuable opportunity. As a result, higher education and vocational training emerged as crucial strategic resources for DARE, which has intentionally included specific Work Packages (WPs) focused on this area in each one of its spokes. Notably, every university within the consortium boasts a School of Medicine, and most have departments dedicated to Information Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, and Statistics, all of which play an active role in the collaboration. This setup is poised to educate the next wave of professionals in health and technology, equipping them with the interdisciplinary skills required to markedly improve health promotion and preventative measures across the country on a broad scale.

To promote the diffusion of a culture centred on digital health prevention, a series of activities targeted to the general public wishing to improve its competencies in the field will be proposed. Some of them are already part of the learning offer of the partner universities but will be adapted to the context of Digital Prevention.

The educational plan is developed dynamically, and new learning pathways may be added in response to particular needs that may arise during DARE’s activities. The contents of the newly developed activities are planned by a Scientific Committee whose task is to propose a detailed syllabus and to identify the lecturers.

Besides programs that can be framed in the context of advanced education, DARE is working on the possibility of offering new courses at the MSc and the PhD level. Other pathways are part of the training offer dedicated to DARE’s current and newly hired multidisciplinary workforce.


Each member of the Faculty brings extensive experience and deep knowledge. They are leaders, innovators, and researchers committed to making a significant difference in their fields.

We invite you to learn more about our Faculty by exploring their profiles. Each profile provides detailed information about their academic background, research interests, and professional contributions. 

Seminars calendar

This platform is designed to offer everyone immediate and up-to-date access to all the training events organized by our project. Here you will find a comprehensive overview of the scheduled seminars, with details on dates, times, topics covered, and speakers.

Our seminars cover a wide range of topics related to digital innovation in healthcare prevention, including subjects such as artificial intelligence, health technologies, and data management. Each event is an opportunity to deepen knowledge, share experiences, and discover the latest developments in the field.

Our Courses

This platform is designed to offer everyone immediate and up-to-date access to all the training events organized by our project. Here you will find a comprehensive overview of the scheduled seminars, with details on dates, times, topics covered, and speakers.

Our seminars cover a wide range of topics related to digital innovation in healthcare prevention, including subjects such as artificial intelligence, health technologies, and data management. Each event is an opportunity to deepen knowledge, share experiences, and discover the latest developments in the field.


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This research was co-funded by the Italian Complementary National Plan PNC-I.1 "Research initiatives for innovative technologies and pathways in the health and welfare sector” D.D. 931 of 06/06/2022, "DARE - DigitAl lifelong pRevEntion" initiative, code PNC0000002
