Fondazione DARE

The DARE project is committed to promoting prevention through innovative technologies and advanced research pathways. This section is dedicated to funding calls that support the development of new healthcare and assistance solutions. Here, you will find a comprehensive list of active funding opportunities, financing possibilities, and initiatives.

Open Calls

Avviso del 20 Gennaio 2025

Il bando a cascata dello Spoke 3 è stato ripubblicato. Tutte le informazioni relative alla nuova pubblicazione sono disponibili in fondo a questa pagina nel dettaglio degli Spoke.

Notice of November 20, 2024

Spoke 1 and Spoke 2 open calls have been republished. Spoke 3 call will follow shortly. All information about the new publication is available at the bottom of this page, in the Spokes section, in detalis.

Open Call Spoke 1

The DARE Initiative PNC0000002, funded by the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the PNRR, finances research projects through Spoke 1 – University of Bologna. The call supports industrial research and experimental development projects in the field of innovative technologies for health prevention.

For more information on the Open Calls visit the University of Bologna website.
The call for applications will expire on: January 10, 2025.

Moreover, within Spoke 1, framework, a public informal event on Open Calls, was organized. This meeting aimed to provide details on funding opportunities, how to participate, and Spoke 1-specific project issues.

Open Call Spoke 2

DARE Initiative PNC0000002, funded under the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience, investment line PNC - I.1, finances, through Spoke 2 - University of Palermo, research projects in the regions of Southern Italy. The call aims to develop innovative technologies in healthcare, with a focus on community-based digital primary prevention.

For more information on the Open Calls visit the University of Palermo's website.
The call for applications will expire on: 13 dicembre  2024, ore 23:59.

Moreover, within Spoke 2, framework, a public informal event on Open Calls, was organized. This meeting aimed to provide details on funding opportunities, how to participate, and Spoke 2-specific project issues.

Open Call Spoke 3

L’Iniziativa DARE PNC0000002, finanziata a valere sul Piano nazionale per gli investimenti complementari al Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza, linea di investimento PNC – I.1 – “Finanziamenti destinati ad iniziative di ricerca per tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale”, finanzia, attraverso lo Spoke 3 – Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, con il presente Bando a Cascata, Progetti di ricerca svolti singolarmente o congiuntamente, sul territorio nazionale. Per maggiori informazioni sui Bandi a cascata visitare the University of Rome Tor Vergata's website. 
The call for applications will expire on: 28 febbraio 2025, ore 00:00.

Moreover, within Spoke 3, framework a public informal event on Open Calls, was organized. This meeting aimed to provide details on funding opportunities, how to participate, and Spoke 3-specific project issues.


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Questa ricerca è stata cofinanziata dal Piano Nazionale Complementare PNC-I.1 “Iniziativa di ricerca per le tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale”, D.D. 931 del 06/06/2022, iniziativa “DARE – Digital lifelong prevention”, codice PNC0000002

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