Fondazione DARE

NOTICE - The Cascade Call for Spoke 3 of the DARE project has been reopened

📢 The public call for Spoke 3 at University of Rome Tor Vergata has been reopened for the selection of project proposals aimed at implementing 4.0 technological innovations such as hashtagBigData, hashtagInternetOfThings, and hashtagAI, applied to hashtagDigitalPrevention and Health, also through technology transfer.

Pay attention to the changes in funding amounts and topics!

🔗 Call details available at:


Communication Office:


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Questa ricerca è stata cofinanziata dal Piano Nazionale Complementare PNC-I.1 “Iniziativa di ricerca per le tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale”, D.D. 931 del 06/06/2022, iniziativa “DARE – Digital lifelong prevention”, codice PNC0000002

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