AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning for Medical Physics and Life Sciences - Registration open!
The course "AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning for Medical Physics and Life Sciences" is now underway as part of the Medical Physics School at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. A unique opportunity to deepen theoretical foundations and acquire advanced skills through hands-on experiences.
Who is it for?
The course is intended for Medical Physics residents interested in exploring the application of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector.
Why participate?
· Free access with the possibility to attend remotely
· Certificate of participation for all the subscribers
· Online lessons available for one month after the streaming direct
Questa ricerca è stata cofinanziata dal Piano Nazionale Complementare PNC-I.1 “Iniziativa di ricerca per le tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale”, D.D. 931 del 06/06/2022, iniziativa “DARE – Digital lifelong prevention”, codice PNC0000002