Fondazione DARE

About us

Founded in 2022 in the heart of the Italian digital health revolution promoted by the PNRR, the DARE Foundation is a catalyst for innovation, supported by a consortium of 20 entities, both public and private. Among the members stand out eight prestigious universities and the INFN, which place scientific research and innovation at the center of their mission. Four top-tier research hospitals provide fertile ground for the development of new techniques and therapies. Six healthcare companies and a selection of private entities contribute cutting-edge technological and clinical expertise.

With more than 300 researchers, technologists, and doctors, we work tirelessly to chart new frontiers in health promotion and disease prevention. Our expertise ranges from epidemiology to artificial intelligence, tackling the challenges of future healthcare with determination and passion.



Mission and Vision

The DARE Foundation is at the forefront of revolutionizing healthcare through the power of digital technology. Our mission is to foster a paradigm shift in healthcare culture, moving from a disease-focused model to one that prioritizes lifelong prevention and community engagement. By harnessing the latest in digital innovations—such as artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, big data analytics, wearable devices, and digital twins—we aim to significantly enhance the speed, accuracy, and effectiveness of preventive healthcare. Our vision is to position Italy as a global leader in digital prevention. This involves creating a connected, multidisciplinary knowledge community that not only develops but also shares innovative solutions across technical, ethical-legal, and organizational domains. Through the DARE initiative, we are committed to integrating and optimizing the use of digital technologies in forecasting, surveillance, early detection, and response to health-related conditions, thereby improving public health outcomes across the lifespan. The foundation coordinates a wide-reaching initiative that spans research, innovation, and stakeholder participation to systematize knowledge and technological solutions essential for digital preventive healthcare. By focusing on data governance, advanced analysis tools, and the promotion of interoperability and evidence-based prevention, we support the national health system in adopting recommendations, guidelines, and best practices at all levels of prevention. DARE's implementation strategy is built around a hub-and-spoke model, engaging a diverse network of partners from universities to private companies, and impacts a broad spectrum of society by optimizing healthcare services, promoting healthier lifestyles, and contributing to economic savings in healthcare expenditure. Ultimately, our goal is to foster a culture that embraces digital technologies for preventive health, enhancing the well-being and quality of life for people in Italy and beyond.


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This research was co-funded by the Italian Complementary National Plan PNC-I.1 "Research initiatives for innovative technologies and pathways in the health and welfare sector” D.D. 931 of 06/06/2022, "DARE - DigitAl lifelong pRevEntion" initiative, code PNC0000002
